GFP标记在科研中的应用 知乎
2021年6月18日 GFP被广泛应用于生物学领域的研究,科学家们利用GFP实现多种功能,包括:标记基因以阐明其表达或定位特征,充当生物传感器或细胞标记,研究蛋白质之间的相互作 GFP 融合蛋白 的荧光灵敏度远比荧光素标记的荧光抗体高,抗光漂白能力强,因此更适用于定量测定与分析。但因为GFP不是酶,荧光信号没有酶学放大效果,因此GFP灵敏度可能低于某些酶类报告蛋白。绿荧光蛋白百度百科2024年4月12日 说起绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein,简称GFP),各位科研工作者一定不陌生。GFP是一种具有自发荧光的蛋白质,现已被广泛应用于生物学研究、成像、分子 一文揭秘!绿色荧光蛋白的前世今生本介绍了绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) 的结构、功能和应用,以及 Abcam 提供的 GFP 抗体、蛋白和 ELISA 试剂盒系列。GFP 是一种从水晶水母分离的蛋白,可用于生物标记和检测。绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) Abcam中文官网
一文揭秘!绿色荧光蛋白的前世今生 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月12日 说起绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein,简称GFP),各位科研工作者一定不陌生。 GFP是一种具有自发荧光的蛋白质,现已被广泛应用于生物学研究、成像、分子生物学及生物医学等多个领域。2008年10月8日 So not only has GFP enabled scientists to see biological processes in a whole new light, but many other chemical opportunities await The future for GFP is a bright oneGreen fluorescent protein Nature Chemistry2022年4月15日 绿色荧光蛋白(简称GFP),是一个由约238个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,从蓝光到紫外线都能使其激发,发出绿色荧光。GFP的荧光非常稳定,在激发光照射下,其抗光漂白能力比 GFP:荧光蛋白的起源 知乎2019年8月2日 绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein;GFP)、是从维多利亚多管发光水母(Aequorea victoria)中分离出来的一种荧光蛋白。 用途・历史 诺奖得主・下村脩等人在1962年从维多利亚多管发光水母中分离・精制后获得的。绿色荧光蛋白质 /Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
荧光蛋白简介 显微镜知识库 徕卡显微系统
2022年11月18日 本文概述了荧光蛋白及其光谱特性。随着 20 世纪 50 年代末荧光蛋白的发现,荧光显微技术发生了巨大变化。它始于 O Shimomura 和来自水母(Aequorea victoria)的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP) [1]。后来出现了数百种 GFP In just three years, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria has vaulted from obscurity to become one of the most widely studied and exploited proteins in biochemistry and cell biology Its amazing ability to generate a The green fluorescent protein PubMed2002年2月2日 Please note: If you switch to a different device, you may be asked to login again with only your ACS IDGreen Fluorescent Protein (GFP): Applications, Explore the sequence and map of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein on SnapGeneGFP Sequence and Map SnapGene
A novel protocol to detect green fluorescent protein in unfixed, snap
2020年9月4日 The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a powerful reporter protein that allows labeling of specific proteins or entire cells However, as GFP is a small soluble protein, it easily crosses Green Fluorescent Protein or GFP is a useful expression label in the blue channel for flow cytometry and imaging applications that can be excited by the 488 nm laser line Invitrogen Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a useful expression label in the blue channel Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Thermo Fisher Scientific CN1 天前 Exhibits a smaller absorbance peak at 470 nm The fluorescence emission spectrum peaks at 507510 nm with a shoulder at 545 nm (PubMed:, PubMed:) The exact value of the emission maximum depends on the environment of the chromophore (PubMed:) As a consequence, mutant versions have been designed that have UniProtFPbase is a moderated, usereditable fluorescent protein database designed by microscopists, share, and organize information about fluorescent proteins and their characteristicsFPbase :: The Fluorescent Protein Database
绿色荧光蛋白(Green fluorescent protein,GFP) 简书
2020年5月7日 3 绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)应用 ⑴ 作为报道基因构建基因工程载体 GFP灵敏度高,不需要其他辅助底物就能产生较强的荧光,且通过导入GFP基因在实验体内表达,对细胞无毒害, 能在转化后遗传给后代,因此是理想的报告基因。2015年6月28日 绿色荧光蛋白GFP来源及生化特性:GFP主要来自两种海洋无脊椎动物,西南太平洋水母———Aequoreavictoria和佐治亚沿海水域的三色堇———Renillarenifomis。上述来源的GFP,其原始发光蛋白基团具有将蓝色的化学发光[资料] 绿色荧光蛋白GFP特性及应用丁香实验 2022年11月6日 Superfolder GFP is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green fluorescent protein published in 2005, derived from Aequorea victoria It is reported to be a very rapidlymaturing weak dimerSuperfolder GFP :: Fluorescent Protein Database2022年4月15日 绿色荧光蛋白(简称GFP),是一个由约238个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,从蓝光到紫外线都能使其激发,发出绿色荧光。GFP的荧光非常稳定,在激发光照射下,其抗光漂白能力比荧光素强很多。因此GFP及其变种被广泛地用作分子标记;此外,GFP还被用作砷和一些重金属的传感 GFP:荧光蛋白的起源 知乎
一文揭秘!绿色荧光蛋白的前世今生 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月12日 图2 不同海葵个体及其中纯化的荧光蛋白 GFP的应用 GFP化学性质稳定,可以耐受高温、强酸和强碱等极端条件下的处理,适用于多种实验条件。GFP的荧光信号可以直接在活细胞或活体中观察,无光漂白现象,荧光性质 Pluripotent Stem Cells Andras Nagy, in Handbook of Stem Cells (Second Edition), 2013 Green Fluorescent Proteins The green fluorescent protein (GFP) isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria has joined the group of reporters used to trace lineages and determine cell fate in mouse and other model organisms (Hadjantonakis et al, 1998; Okabe et al, 1997; ZernickaGoetz Green Fluorescent Protein an overview ScienceDirect Topics1996年8月23日 The crystal structure of recombinant wildtype green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been solved to a resolution of 19 A by multiwavelength anomalous dispersion phasing methods1GFL: STRUCTURE OF GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN2022年4月25日 The low photostability of fluorescent proteins is a limiting factor in many applications of fluorescence microscopy Here we present StayGold, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) derived from the A highly photostable and bright green fluorescent protein
Engineering and characterization of a superfolder green
2005年12月20日 Wildtype green fluorescent protein (GFP) misfolds when expressed in E coli 1Betterfolded variants 1,2,3 of GFP are widely employed as protein fusion tags 1,4,5,6,7,8, but the fused proteins 5 天之前 A multitude of applications Due to its size and ease of use, GFP and other fluorescent proteins have become a mainstay in molecular biology Scientists can easily utilize GFPcontaining plasmids as a means to many functional endsFluorescent Proteins 101: Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)2020年11月13日 绿色荧光发光机理 GFP需要在氧化状态下产生荧光,强还原剂或者酸性条件能使GFP转变为非荧光形式,但一旦重新暴露在空气或氧气中,GFP荧光便立即得到恢复。只需要氧气作为底物便可以发光,不需要任何外源反应底物,这也是GFP得到大量应用 细聊一下荧光蛋白 知乎绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) 是一种 β桶状蛋白 1 ,由 238 个氨基酸组成,分子量约为 27 kDa。 GFP 是从水晶水母 Aequorea victoria 分离而来。GFP 可通过能量转移,将水 母发光蛋白通过化学作用发出的蓝色荧光转变为绿色荧光 2。GFP 的激发波长为 488 nm,并在约 绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) Abcam中文官网
Domov Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna
Dijaki športniki GFP na izmenjavi na Finskem 10 Oktober 2024 SEZNAM OBJAV V oktobru so dijaki športniki Gimnazije Franceta Prešerna imeli priložnost doživeti edinstveno izkušnjo izmenjave na Finskem, v okviru projekta Erasmus+ In just three years, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria has vaulted from obscurity to become one of the most widely studied and exploited proteins in biochemistry and cell biology Its amazing ability to generate a highly visible, efficiently emitting internal fluorophore is both intrinsically fascinating and tremendously valuable Highresolution THE GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN Annual Reviews1996年2月1日 The green fluorescent protein (GFP) of the jellyfish Aequorea victoria has attracted tremendous interest as the first, and so far only, example of a cloned protein whose expression generates strong visible fluorescence without any additional cofactors [1], [2]The biggest absorbance peak of this 238 aminoacid protein is at 395 nm, with a smaller peak at Engineering green fluorescent protein for improved 2010年2月3日 The GFP discovery paved the way to molecular luminescence imaging in which GFPlabeled cells can be visualized in intact whole experimental animals, for example mice or rats, enabling precise localization in different target organs Several animal models have been established using xenograft cancer models to study cancer growth and metastasis Discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP
绿色荧光蛋白质 /Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
2019年8月2日 绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein;GFP)、是从维多利亚多管发光水母(Aequorea victoria)中分离出来的一种荧光蛋白。 用途・历史 诺奖得主・下村脩等人在1962年从维多利亚多管发光水母中分离・精制后获得的。[1] (照片:引用自Wikipedia) 分子量约为27 kDa、由238个氨基酸组成。 三维结构在1996年通过X射线单晶 2016年6月21日 This limits the use of GFP in quantitative studies performed in fluctuating or acidic conditions We report the engineering and characterisation of tandem dimer GFP (pHtdGFP), a bright and stable Identification and Characterisation of a pHstable GFP1996年8月1日 The green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the Pacific Northwest jellyfish Aequorea victoria has generated intense interest as a marker for gene expression and localization of gene products The chromophore, resulting from the spontaneous cyclization and oxidation of the sequence Ser65 (or Thr65)Tyr66Gly67, requires the native protein fold 1EMA: GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN FROM AEQUOREA GFP was originally derived from the jellyfish Aequorea Victoria 69 It has 238 amino acid residues and a green fluorophore which is comprised of only three amino acids: Ser65–Tyr66–Gly67 The stable protein structure is formed by beta sheets, which have a conformation that makes up an 11stranded drumlike structure 26 The stability of GFP allows it to withstand pH levels Green Fluorescent Protein an overview ScienceDirect Topics
荧光蛋白简介 显微镜知识库 徕卡显微系统
2022年11月18日 GFP (绿色荧光蛋白)或其变体的光谱特性取决于构成发色团的氨基酸结构(图 1 ) [2]。这可能是位于 6567 位的三个氨基酸或靠近该位置的残基(如 YFP)。除了有关发色团的主要突变外,还进行了其他定点诱变研究,以改善蛋白质成熟和在异源细胞系统中表达等其他因素(如密码子使用、蛋白质在 2020年3月20日 GFP是由238个氨基酸构成的蛋白质,散发绿色的荧光。物质吸收可见光和紫外线等较短波长的光后,放出较长波长的光,这种现象叫做荧光。GFP是从碗水母(水母的一种,学名维多利亚水母多管水母Aequorea coerulescens1)的体内提取出来的蛋白 科学史梳理:绿色荧光蛋白|下村修|2008年诺贝尔化学奖In just three years, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria has vaulted from obscurity to become one of the most widely studied and exploited proteins in biochemistry and cell biology Its amazing ability to generate a The green fluorescent protein PubMed2002年2月2日 Please note: If you switch to a different device, you may be asked to login again with only your ACS IDGreen Fluorescent Protein (GFP): Applications,
GFP Sequence and Map SnapGene
Explore the sequence and map of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein on SnapGene2020年9月4日 The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a powerful reporter protein that allows labeling of specific proteins or entire cells However, as GFP is a small soluble protein, it easily crosses A novel protocol to detect green fluorescent protein in unfixed, snap Green Fluorescent Protein or GFP is a useful expression label in the blue channel for flow cytometry and imaging applications that can be excited by the 488 nm laser line Invitrogen Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a useful expression label in the blue channel Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Thermo Fisher Scientific CN1 天前 Exhibits a smaller absorbance peak at 470 nm The fluorescence emission spectrum peaks at 507510 nm with a shoulder at 545 nm (PubMed:, PubMed:) The exact value of the emission maximum depends on the environment of the chromophore (PubMed:) As a consequence, mutant versions have been designed that have UniProt
FPbase :: The Fluorescent Protein Database
FPbase is a moderated, usereditable fluorescent protein database designed by microscopists, share, and organize information about fluorescent proteins and their characteristics2020年5月7日 3 绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)应用 ⑴ 作为报道基因构建基因工程载体 GFP灵敏度高,不需要其他辅助底物就能产生较强的荧光,且通过导入GFP基因在实验体内表达,对细胞无毒害, 能在转化后遗传给后代,因此是理想的报告基因。绿色荧光蛋白(Green fluorescent protein,GFP) 简书2015年6月28日 绿色荧光蛋白GFP来源及生化特性:GFP主要来自两种海洋无脊椎动物,西南太平洋水母———Aequoreavictoria和佐治亚沿海水域的三色堇———Renillarenifomis。上述来源的GFP,其原始发光蛋白基团具有将蓝色的化学发光[资料] 绿色荧光蛋白GFP特性及应用丁香实验